Ground Penetrating Radar Systems of Texas
Utility Locating
Private utility locating is vital to any construction, excavation, or renovation project. 811 One Call services locate public utility lines, but do not provide depths for them. Nor do they detect or locate private utilities. Our private utility locating services employ Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Electromagnetic locators, CCTV Video Cameras, Acoustic leak locators and other equipment to scan for subsurface utilities, including depths and GPS mapping, saving time, money, and even lives by avoiding utility strikes to protect & all site employees and contractors from potential line strike damages. GPRS provides complimentary .KMZ files for all of our exterior utility locating projects.
The majority of pipe defects occur underground in buried pipe that can only be accessed by excavation or CCTV cameras via a Video Pipe Inspection (VPI). GPRS deploys both robotic crawler CCTV cameras and lateral launch cameras and push cameras to document and assess water systems, drains, and conduct sewer inspections without costly excavation. Our NASSCO certified WinCan VPI reports provide clients the exact location, photo, video, and map of each defect, cross-referenced and tagged with a defect severity level. This allows our clients to visualize every inch of water and sewer pipe with in their system and to create comprehensive repair and maintenance plans to repair pipe damage in the most cost-effective manner possible.
Concrete Scanning
Any project involving post-tension or slab-on-grade concrete contains an inherent risk of costly damage and/or injury when you core or cut into the slab. Rebar, conduit, and post-tension cables pose significant strike risks, and each has its own unique GPR imaging signature. GPRS’ concrete scanning service provides digital concrete scanning with ground penetrating radar (GPR) to accurately pinpoint the location of each hazard and map it in detail, so there is never a question of where you can cut and where you can’t. Unlike concrete x-ray services, GPR concrete imaging does not require you to close off sections of your site to avoid radiation. In most cases, your work can continue while we scan and locate slab reinforcement and conduits with 99.8%+ accuracy, so that you can safely cut and drill.
GPRS guarantees our accuracy and your safety with our exclusive Green Box Guarantee. Read about our Green Box Guarantee
The #1 way to avoid costly change orders, clashes, and downtime in the construction and renovation planning, is to hire a professional 3D laser scanning company to execute accurate digital maps of as-built conditions to provide drawings, maps, models, and even a true digital twin.
GPRS' 3D Laser Scanning Services eliminate time-consuming manual measurements by capturing as-builts with millimeter accuracy at up to two million data points per second to create point clouds, maps, CAD drawings, and 3D BIM models for the engineering, design, construction, architectural, oil & gas, facility, management, multimedia, historical preservation, education, healthcare, water, energy, and utility industries.
We utilize the most responsive software to provide a wide variety of maps and models, and even 3D walkthrough tours of your site.
Leak Detection
GPRS Leak Detection Services can quickly pinpoint a known leak when a problem is identified in municipal water or sewer infrastructure or for an industrial facility. We can also proactively search for leaks in domestic water and fire systems, and complete Water Loss Surveys to locate problems before they are evident and costly.
Acoustic leak detection is aided by leak correlation to provide accurate, real-time verification of an active breach and can be integrated with our Video Pipe Inspection Services and utility locating to improve commercial, industrial, and municipal water infrastructure efficiency, and avoid unnecessary excavation. At GPRS we are the best leak locators in the industry because we are backed by the power of our 99.8% accurate underground utility locating process.
Mapping & Modeling
Complete facility visualization is impossible without accurate documentation. That’s why GPRS provides complimentary high-resolution maps in the form of PDF, KMZ, and SHP files with every outdoor utility locating project we perform.
We offer fully integrated reality capture with 3D laser scanning, concrete scanning, outdoor and interior utility locating, Video PipeInspection via CCTV, and drone imagery to provide point clouds, 2D & 3D CAD drawings, 3D BIM models, 3D mesh models, photogrammetry, and customized 3D BIM model walkthroughs, depending on our clients’ needs.
We are the only company able to provide complete top-down imaging, mapping, and modeling of any facility, above and below ground to fully Visualize The Built World™ for our clients nationwide.
You cannot avoid what you cannot see. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a non-invasive locating tool that allows our SIM Certified Project Managers to scan post-tension concrete for conduit, rebar, and other encased objects, and to effectively locate utility lines, water and sewer pipes, telecom and fiberoptic cables, and subsurface voids.
GPR functions by sending radar signals into a surface like concrete or soil and capturing that signal as it bounces back to create a specific reading that allows our highly trained Project Managers to determine the length, depth, and type of subsurface feature located.
The various location features can then be marked out on the surface to show the precise location and provide clear boundaries and spaces where you can cut, drill, or excavate safely.
GPRS takes our GPR subsurface locates farther by providing GPS mapping, and we can provide a variety of images, maps, and models to Intelligently Visualize The Built World, above and below ground.