Concrete Slab Inspection At Dallas-Forth Worth Metroplex
Ground Penetrating Radar Systems was contacted by a construction contractor in Dallas, Texas to locate post-tension cables, rebar, and electrical conduits in a concrete parking structure slab at one of their projects prior to drilling, anchoring and coring into the concrete slab. Ground Penetrating Radar Systems of Dallas, Texas was able to identify and locate the post-tension cables, rebar, and electrical conduits in the concrete slab and mark them on the surface in order for the client to proceed with their work safely. While on site, GPRS was also able to take on the role of consultant through expert communication with several different contractors and subcontractors working directly on the project and working in the vicinity of the concerned areas. Ground Penetrating Radar Systems also utilized the proper safety equipment in the form of fall protection ensuring no safety issues. These concrete scans allowed the client to proceed safely with their project.
Ground Penetrating Radar Systems is proud to service the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex with underground utility locating and concrete scanning services in the residential, commercial, industrial, energy, and environmental industries.
Ground Penetrating Radar Systems used a 1600 MHz antenna for this application, a Radio Detection (RD) device and Vivax system to detect electrical current in the concrete slab. All findings were marked on the surface directly with markers, crayon, and tape for easy interpretation by the customer. GPRS’ 1600 MHz antenna was ideal because of its accurate depiction of what was within the concrete parking structure slab. GPR was ideal for this application due to the active work site in the surrounding areas. GPR emits no radiation and is safe for others to work in the area near the scan location.
For a similar scan on your job site, please contact Andy Mix at (817) 757-9527 or at andy.mix@gprsinc.com. Sonar has also been performed to locate reinforcement, conduit, beams, and other crucial obstructions prior to any saw cut or core drilling work being performed. X-ray can also be used overhead to prevent anchor strikes of post tension cables. Ground Penetrating Radar Systems has over 250 employees nationwide and can perform work anywhere in the United States. Ground Penetrating Radar Systems can also provide residential scans for post tension cabling, rebar, conduits in and directly under concrete slab, and can also provide underground utility locates. Please contact Andy Mix if you would like us to perform work in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Grapevine, Irving, and Sherman, Texas. We look forward to hearing from you!